Our Video Game escapades, Video Game Reviews, Announcements and News that are worth our time
Friday, October 29, 2010
Dragon Age 2 Rise to power Trailer
Above is the latest trailer for Dragon Age 2 showing gameplay graphics and showing off a character you will meet in the sequel. Dragon Age: origins for me was the best RPG of 2009. A Bauder's Gate style of RPG with great story and great gameplay that keeps you playing, and 7 dlc's to keep you invested in the Dragon age world. A year and a half later we are surprisingly gonna get a sequel Dragon Age 2. With faster paced game play and a story set years after origins, i hope they retain why the first one was so great.
They say this time around they will try to speed up the game play without losing what made the gameplay of the first work. I have small hope for this sequel since they appear to have a small amount of time to develop the game and the fact that their gonna try something new in game play. One plus side though which i like is that their finally giving voice to your main character. The dialogue and interaction with the characters in Dragon Age 2 will be somewhat similar to what they did in Mass Effect. The Main character in the sequel will be named Hawke. Think of him as your Commander Shepard for Dragon Age 2. I don't think this will be as good as the first but hopefully Bioware can prove me wrong.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Playstation celebrates 10 years in North America
The PlayStation 2 is now 10 years old! makes me feel old knowing that this great machine is hitting it's10 year mark. I still remember the first time i saw the PlayStation 2, i was at a friends house showing me the First Devil May Cry and Final Fantasy X, that blew me away and i instantly got my own unit.
Since its initial launch, The PlayStation 2 has sold over 146 million units worldwide and believe it or not some are still being sold to this day. During it's time it was a cutting-edge machine, having DVD playback and high end graphics for 300$. The price didint shy customers like the PlayStation 3 as the console went out of stock in a matter of hours.
The PlayStation 2 apparently had other features as it grew in age. Down the line they added a online gameplay add-on, The PlayStation Network Adaptor released in 2002,and the EyeToy Camera in 2003. This system continued great Titles such as Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo, and Final Fantasy. They also introduced great Titles such as Shadow of the Collosus, Zone of Enders, God of War, Devil May Cry and many more.
Don't think this great machine is already dead, Sony is still supporting it by releasing some games to the PlayStation 2. Now in 2010, the PlayStation 2 costs 100$ and still selling here and there. PlayStation 2 is so close to being shelved but the fact that it made 10 years in the market is a great achievement for Sony.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
What has blizzcon revealed??
Blizzcon is now behind us and revealed to us very interesting stuff to look forward to. Here's a summary of reveals from blizzcon 2010.
Diablo 3 announcements
Final class Reveal for Diablo 3, The Demon Hunter
Great addition to the class lineup but we all knew a ranged type will come along because that's really the only thing missing. The class looks great, her abilities looks cool, and i don't know if it's just me but isn't double crossbows awesome? if you missed the post of showing off the Demon Hunter click here.
First look at Diablo 3 PvP Arena
They've also revealed how PvP will work in Diablo 3, they've showed 2v2 and 3v3 matches in a arena-like arena. Here's a trailer for PvP arenas.
Excited?? same here, and sadly we didn't get a release date. Diablo 3 will be in closed beta soon for friends and family in Blizzard. Hopefully open beta is close so we can get a taste of what Diablo 3 can offer.
Starcraft 2 announcements
Heart of the Swarm not coming out any time soon
Thought so, blizzard announced that it will be a long time before they release the first expansion for Starcraft 2. It was a long shot but makes sense, it was just released last July. From the looks of things there will be tons of patches before we see any reveal of the expansion. No biggie, were still crazy in reaching that Diamond League.
Blizzard mods for Starcraft 2
Blizzard revealed four official mods for use to play around with friends and will be released for free in a few months. Mods games will be Starjeweled, Auir Chef, Left 2 Die and their very own Dota version of DotA.
Its a mix of Real Time Strategy and bejeweled, and your goal is to destroy your enemies base but with a twist. The screen will be divided into 2, one side being where all the action happens while the other screen is a puzzle grid similar to bejeweled. Theres a series of icons that if paired with a minimum of 3 of the icon will give you minerals to build units to take down your enemy. As it sounds weird it has a good concept and might actually be fun. Not only will you get minerals, there are icons below the Puzzle grid giving you access on special units if you have enough minerals.
Auir Chef
This one is just the devs playing around i think. Your a Protoss Cook who is trying to earn the title of Auir Chef against 7 other Protoss Cook also aiming for the title. It's all about cooking a dish with a special themed ingredient. The game is divided into 3 rounds. When your given the Themed ingredient you go around against the other cooks to find your ingredients for your dish. You will have an array of attack for enemies and when you finish your dish, not only do you get points to be added in your overall score you get abilities that will give you an edge against your enemies.
Left 2 Die
This is pretty much the Outbreak level in the original Starcraft 2 Campaign but a lot harder. This is a 2 player co op game and your goal is to survive waves after waves of zerg and infested units. Just like the Outbreak level, there will be a day and night cycle. Day being the time to set up and night when the attacks come. They say its very challenging and you will be at the edge of your seats with a pal surviving the onslaught. During the day your opt to go outside to explore the map giving you access to minerals and upgrades to help you survive longer. They say this is the hardest among the four mods.
Blizzard DotA
This is pretty much their own version of the famous DotA mod way back in warcraft III. it's pretty much the same. It's a five on five match with each player controlling one hero that have various skills to use. So far there are 12 playable heroes to choose from. You level up, get money from enemy units, and buy items to get your hero an edge in battle. The mod is very similar to the original DotA which is a good thing.
World of Warcraft : Cataclysm announcements
Nothing big revealed for Cataclysm at blizzcon. It's either a day before or during blizzcon that they revealed the Cinematic Trailer for Cataclysm, seeing Deathwing rise from deepholm ready to take on azeroth again.. game is coming out on dec 7, 2010 and in Blizzcon they pretty much showed the payable instances in cataclysm and made people in blizzcon have a task on what Cataclsym has to offer. Because of Deathwing's return, Azeroth got a huge revamp. Most areas are now changed because of the influence of Deathwing and here's a small clip showing the changes in the areas. It's old news but i think its a great change and the they look good.
Click here if you haven't seen the Cinematic Trailer for Cataclysm
Monday, October 25, 2010
Playing Fallout: New Vegas, 18 hours in...
I usually finish games quickly, especially RPG's but Bethesda is the only company that makes me just hold back and just enjoy every bit the game has to offer. I'm 18 hours into my first playthrough, playing Hardcore mode, currently Level 8 and has not set foot on the New Vegas strip. Yes it's that long of a game and loving every second of it. You guys may already know, reviews state that this game is inexcusably buggy and it's true. Enemy AI occassionally being dumb standing still as i shoot it, floating dogs, game crashes(currently at crash number 3), and constant screen tears.It's funny that you'd think a 2 year old engine would be fine tuned by now but no, Bethesda always brings the best buggy games. A patch came to PC versions and will soon come to consoles so just bear with it for a few more days, i know i am.
It will take awhile until i finish this game and make a full review as i see myself committing to at least close to 100 hours into this game but it's safe to say that regardless of its funny bugs and issues it's a game worth picking up, be it the console version or the pc version. I'm playing New Vegas in my PS3 because for some reason in the Philippines the PS3 version came out ahead of the others. It took me time to get used to it since i usually play Bethesda games in my PC. I'm just keeping an open mind and experience a game like this in a console and it's just as great as the PC version. Here's the Trailer if for some reason you don't know what Fallout: New Vegas is.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Dont' Blame Bethesda for Everything
With all the hype and lolz everyone's been having with Fallout: New Vegas. Don't forget that this wasn't developed by Bethesda. Sure it's their IP and engine but New Vegas was headed by Obsidian, a developer that specializes in making sequels. But don't let the bugs throw you off, the game does have improvements over the original Fallout: 3 and sure enough it has content that will entertain you for months. Patches will be released to resolve problems in the game so don't worry about it too much.
Just be informed that Bethesda isn't alone in this installment of Fallout. So the next time someone's head twists or your party members fall through the floor, think of Obsidian and wonder if their QA team had the same exact experience and just shrugged it off with a "lol".
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Diablo 3 final Class Revealed!
Blizzcon 2010 has arrived and started the show with a good announcement.Blizzard Entertainment has revealed their last class for Diablo 3, The Demon Hunter. Why this character as their final class? Lead designer jay Wilson explained "We needed a ranged attacker, and she definitely fills out our arechtypes. We wanted a dark character that was almost an obsessed anti-hero." a interesting addition to Diablo III, crossbows finally getting some attention as Demon Hunters are the only class to dual wield them. Now Blizzard how about that release date??
Demon Hunter Cinematic Trailer
Demon Hunter gameplay
Found extra gameplay footage. We see more of the Demon Hunter, some co-op game play and at the end of the video, first look at their player vs player, a 2v2 fight. This game is a sure buy and pvp looks like fun! enjoy!
Demon Hunter gameplay
Found extra gameplay footage. We see more of the Demon Hunter, some co-op game play and at the end of the video, first look at their player vs player, a 2v2 fight. This game is a sure buy and pvp looks like fun! enjoy!
Review: Gladiator Begins
Ever wonder what it would be like to play as a gladiator in Rome? Not the lame ones that are either scared, depressed, or dead but the one that strives not only for his freedom, but also to be the top dog. You get to be that gladiator in the game Gladiator Begins....[FULL REVIEW]
Friday, October 22, 2010
Pixel Perfect Platforming... With Meat
Old school platformers that required pixel perfect jumps, precise timing and being extremely difficult is an existing formula that's been around since the old arcade games but with games now, most of them hold your hand or are just vastly different and complicated. Super Meat Boy goes back to the early roots of gaming like your Super Marios or old school Castlevanias but I guess the most current game that you can best compare Super Meat Boy to is N+ which is a platformer that almost everything can hurt you and one touch sends your character's body parts hurling every which way.
Super Meat Boy may sound simple, run, jump, avoid things, reach the goal. However, most people can underestimate such simplicity. I can ramble on about how side scrolling platforms are still awesome blah blah blah, just watch the video to see what I mean and how awesome this game is.
Meat Boy is originally a flash game so that brings in the argument of "why will I buy a game if I can play it for free?". You see at 1:31 all those little Meat Boys running, jumping and dying? That's a replay function that takes all your attempts at the level and plays them all at the same time, so you can a dozen to a hundred Meat Boys jumping on screen after every level and that for me is very cool, like a prize for all your hard work on a stage that makes your blood pressure rise.
Super Meat Boy is already out on Xbox Live Arcade and will be coming soon to WiiWare and Steam for the PC. I find it strange that they didn't shell out a Playstation Network release. If you have a Wii, an Xbox 360 or a PC, you have to play this game.
If you want to play the original flash Meat Boy, check it out here:
Super Meat Boy may sound simple, run, jump, avoid things, reach the goal. However, most people can underestimate such simplicity. I can ramble on about how side scrolling platforms are still awesome blah blah blah, just watch the video to see what I mean and how awesome this game is.
Meat Boy is originally a flash game so that brings in the argument of "why will I buy a game if I can play it for free?". You see at 1:31 all those little Meat Boys running, jumping and dying? That's a replay function that takes all your attempts at the level and plays them all at the same time, so you can a dozen to a hundred Meat Boys jumping on screen after every level and that for me is very cool, like a prize for all your hard work on a stage that makes your blood pressure rise.
Super Meat Boy is already out on Xbox Live Arcade and will be coming soon to WiiWare and Steam for the PC. I find it strange that they didn't shell out a Playstation Network release. If you have a Wii, an Xbox 360 or a PC, you have to play this game.
If you want to play the original flash Meat Boy, check it out here:
Super Meat Boy,
Team Meat Boy,
Xbox 360
One of the reasons why the Skate games are better than Tony Hawk games
I know most of us grew up playing Tony Hawk's Pro Skater on the PSX back in the day. Even the earlier titles on the PS2 were pretty badass too but nothing stays the same forever and too much of anything is never good. Apparently Activision never heard of "change" and the only word they seem to understand now is "money". Here comes EA with their own skateboarding game called Skate. Skate went for more realism over Tony Hawk's over the top scoring system and being able to land 100 tricks before hitting the ground with a normal ollie. Be that as it may, Tony Hawk still had it's distinct charm the way Skate had it's own. But as I said earlier, Tony Hawk's core gameplay never really evolved as much as it should have. With Skate boasting physics based gameplay, you could pull oh s*** like this.
This is EA's 3rd iteration of the game Skate (excluding the Wii and DS game Skate It). Now I know that bailing skateboard tricks isn't the way the game should be played, letting pro skaters land their balls on steel rails is fun and all but nothing beats jumping off a 2nd story ledge, crashing onto an NPC grandma AND busting your skater's balls on a steel post in one run. I'm always a fun of hilarious physics based glitches.
Now understand that me liking Skate over Tony Hawk games maybe frompersonal preference, do know that I have played a lot of the Tony Hawk games from the PSX era, THUG and Proving Ground on the PS2, American Sk8land and Downhill Jam on the DS but c'mon, Tony Hawk's Ride? Really? If someone argues with me that Ride was a good game I will hunt you down, get your Ride board controller and slap you with it 10x in front of your family.
Tony Hawk
Thursday, October 21, 2010
First thing you see when u play Fallout: New Vegas??
You head to your local game store and purchase Fallout: New Vegas. You rush out of the store and head home as fast as you can. You sit down, ready a few drinks and prepare to stay home for days. You put in your disc, ready the controller and it starts. You get excited, opening cinematics starts. Your Character wakes up and you meet the first character in New Vegas.What happens??? see for youself.
Hilarious?? yea very. Players are experiencing huge amounts of bugs that are inexcusable already. so bad that on day one Bethesda has already created a patch to get rid of those bugs in the PC version. Patch for consoles aren't out yet but it won't take long until Bethesda releases it. Man, first thing you see is broken. Bethesda, why do you provide us with hilarious bugs?? I'll be getting my copy tom and see if there's something wrong with my doctors head.
Hilarious?? yea very. Players are experiencing huge amounts of bugs that are inexcusable already. so bad that on day one Bethesda has already created a patch to get rid of those bugs in the PC version. Patch for consoles aren't out yet but it won't take long until Bethesda releases it. Man, first thing you see is broken. Bethesda, why do you provide us with hilarious bugs?? I'll be getting my copy tom and see if there's something wrong with my doctors head.
Review: Kingdom Hearts - Birth By Sleep
Kingdom Hearts, that bizarre series with an anime boy, a big key and whole ton of Disney characters. It's one of the games a lot of people love because it's Kingdom Hearts, and hate... well, because it's Kingdom Hearts. Be it story, characters, combat, and so on, I'm sure most gamers know what a Keyblade is...[FULL REVIEW]
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
REVIEW: Dead Rising 2
For guys like myself playing a Zombie infested game, is heaps of fun! This Fantasy Creature we call the walking dead has been a favorite to many over the years. Ever since Zombies invaded the gaming world, we’ve been “blessed” with games such as Resident Evil, House of the Dead and the famous Left 4 dead. These games have proved that killing off zombies over and over again and surviving a Zombie outbreak is oh so satisfying. You might ask why is it satisfying to murder these slow, brain eating, rotting corpse over and over again? Heck, who cares, it’s fun! And Dead Rising 2, gives you just that and a lot of ways to do it too. It sucks to be a zombie, it is even worse if you’re a zombie in Dead Rising 2.
You play as Chuck Greene, an Ex-motocross Champion forced to play this game show called Terror is Reality to support his only daughter Katey. He lost his wife during the last outbreak and has been killing zombies for a living ever since. Which bring him to another zombie break in Fortune City, a city based on the casino strip in Vegas. Chuck gets Katey and heads to the safe house where he meets other survivors. He then finds out that he’s being framed for the outbreak and now has 72 hours to clear his name before the Military arrives to clean up the outbreak. The story was not great and is easily forgettable but the gameplay more than makes up for it.
Dead Rising 2 is time driven. Your given 72 in-game hours to do everything that has to be done, and you must manage your time carefully or you’ll miss important parts of the game. I’ve gotten myself in situations where I did not make it in time for the main story because I had too much fun smashing zombies while saving survivors in Fortune City. Don’t worry, if this happens to you, you’re given the choice to restart the story and carrying over your stats and key items or you can just simply load your last save file. The time given for each mission is not forgiving; you’ll be seeing yourself racing against the clock every time to head to your next objective. Just like the first game, Leveling is still around. You start at level one and as you progress in the game, your Chuck gets faster, stronger, and you get skills that can help you take care of those zombies in your way.
Fortune City is a huge place for Chuck to explore. Everything in Fortune City can be a weapon, from swinging golf balls, to using a lawn mower outside to clear the way for your allies, the game has a huge number of items that can be picked up any time. In fact, running around trying every item to use on zombies can be time consuming but still awesome. Besides weapons in Fortune City, you find a huge number of clothing that you can wear to give your Chuck your own personality which carries over on the cut scenes. You don’t only encounter zombies, there are still bosses in Dead Rising 2, just like the first, their called Psychopaths and man! fighting them can be annoying. There’s not much strategy in these fights, it’s mostly hack away and use a healing item when you’re low.
Fortune City is a huge place for Chuck to explore. Everything in Fortune City can be a weapon, from swinging golf balls, to using a lawn mower outside to clear the way for your allies, the game has a huge number of items that can be picked up any time. In fact, running around trying every item to use on zombies can be time consuming but still awesome. Besides weapons in Fortune City, you find a huge number of clothing that you can wear to give your Chuck your own personality which carries over on the cut scenes. You don’t only encounter zombies, there are still bosses in Dead Rising 2, just like the first, their called Psychopaths and man! fighting them can be annoying. There’s not much strategy in these fights, it’s mostly hack away and use a healing item when you’re low.
Dead Rising 2 lacks several small things that could elevate its game play satisfaction such as options to plot your own waypoints and less loading time. The lengthy loading time destroys the game’s pace of racing against the clock. The game isn’t that difficult although it gets a little harder as you progress having zombies more aggressive but the gameplay will feel just the same when you hit that part of the story.
The Best Feature of Dead Rising 2 is their new Combo Cards system, where you get to combine 2 items and make an awesome weapon, like grab a box of nails and combine it with a baseball bat and you get a deadly bat with nails on the tip of the bat for you to smash on zombie heads! There’s a total of 50 Combo Cards for you to find and using these combined weapons gives you extra PP(Prestige Points) when used. This is a great addition to the game, as you progress, killing zombies may begin to feel repetitive but The Combo system helps create ingenious ways of annihilating them. It’s great to explore all the combinations, some are absurd and weird while some are just awesome to look at when used on a zombie.
Another Great addition is Co-op play. You get the option to bring your version of chuck into someone’s game or make a friend join your game for some zombie killing cooperation. During my first play through, I played on my friend’s story progression and it’s a blast smashing zombie heads with a friend. Aside from co-op play, just like games nowadays, they have multiplayer. The multiplayer is pretty much the game show Terror is Reality, the game show Chuck was in before the outbreak started. You become one of the contestants of the game show, competing against 3 other people in 9 different kinds of zombie mini-games. In my opinion this was the least fun. The Multiplater aspect of Dead Rising 2 Felt like an afterthought and seemed pretty pointless to me.
Chuck planning what to do with this batch....
The Graphics of Dead Rising 2 wasn’t all that impressive, the character models were decent looking but What Impressed me was the sheer number of zombies that were on screen for each area. Don’t try clearing the area because they will just randomly spawn out of nowhere so it’s never ending really. I’ve had usual Frame rate drops but the frame drops weren’t a bother in gameplay. Overall, the game was worth the buy, it has small issues that if resolved, could have made Dead Rising 2 a better game. It has tons of content, lots of replay value and a fun co-op game to enjoy with a friend. If you enjoyed the First Dead Rising, you will love the second one for sure.
Game score: 85/100
Played on: Playstation 3
Region: Region 3
Civilization V Coming to the Mac this Holiday
Mac heads rejoice as Civ 5 is being ported to Apple's OS later this year. If you have that RTS itch or if you're a fan of previous Civilization titles then this game is a must for you. Aspyr Media announced that it is porting the strategy game to Mac systems this holiday season, under a deal with the game's original publisher, 2K Games.
Source: http://www.gamespot.com/news/6282363.html
2K Games,
Aspyr Media,
Civilization V,
Sid Meier,
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Incase You Missed It
Here's the video for the 3DS software lineup which includes games like Kid Icarus: Uprising, Super Street Fighter IV, Biohazard Revelations and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. How can you NOT get excited about the 3DS?
As I'm sure many will agree that Ocarina of Time is one of the best Zelda titles out there, here's to hoping that Majora's Mask also gets a 3DS port.
The 3DS is scheduled for release in Japan on February 26, 2011. and March 2011 for both North America and Europe. It will be priced in Japan at ¥25,000.
Capcom and Level-5 Joint Project Revealed

Phoenix Wright meets Hershel Layton. Level-5 revealed a Professor Layton and Ace Attorney crossover set for Nintendo's 3DS. For now, the game is titled "Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney". Takumi Shuu, creator of the Ace Attorney series, will be working on the title.
The game is set in Labyrinth City. The background is medieval, and the city is populated with witches. The villain is named the "story teller" and whatever he writes with his pen becomes reality.
The in-game trial is called "The Trial of the Witch", since Phoenix Wright's client is accused of being a witch.


Few things satisfy like a puzzle solved... OBJECTION!
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Trailer
Everybody still into World of Warcraft will get a kick out of this, Blizzard recently released the cinematic trailer for their new expansion Cataclysm and it looked great, the dev team responsible for this trailer has outdone themselves.The expansion focuses on Deathwing's revenge, hidden away in a secluded sanctuary, the corrupted Dragon Aspect Deathwing has waited, recovering from the wounds of his last battle against Azeroth, waiting for the right time to show himself again. i guess the time is now and he looks pissed.
This expansion is bringing huge changes to World of Warcraft, and these changes are what they need if they want to stay on top. I've played World of Warcraft for 2 years, stopped 5 months into the Lich King expansion. Because of it taking so much of my time, i quit, just like that and never got back into online gaming since. I still remember how awesome it felt killing Illidan for the first time with my guild, geeks screaming at each other's ear with excitement, it was weird but felt so rewarding at the time. It's a great game and was fun till the end but will i go back to World of Warcraft?? nah, that ship has sailed, it's time to move on. Will i still play mmo's? yes, if i find one interesting enough though.
Here's a link from the official website giving you information about the new changes: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/cataclysm/features/
Monday, October 18, 2010
Blizzcon 2010 on Oct 22 - 23
Why is this important?? well every gamer knows blizzard so far brings out great games and they haven't slowed down since the release of their very first title, and blizzcon will give us a big announcement to what their gonna do next. What could they announce?? well here's a few things that could happen from blizzcon this year:
Diablo III 5th class reveal and/or possible release date
Everybody wants this game, don't deny it, having a release date reveal for this game has a slim chance of happening but you can't help but hope. Revealing more gameplay footage and revealing their last class has a better chance of showing up but honestly i'd take any news about this game.
StarCraft 2: Heart of the swarm(first expansion)
As you guys already know, Starcraft 2 will have 2 expansions. first being Heart of Swarm were we get to play the Zerg campaign, Legacy of the Void to play the Protoss campaign. Now i'm hoping they reveal something about the first expansion and how they will make the Zerg campaign work, the Terran campaign in Wings of Liberty was great with the unit upgrades and you being about to explore the ship and choose your missions, will the Zerg campaign be similar or are they going another route to show us the Zerg campaign??
Unannounced new game for blizzard
Yes their getting out of their shell and making something new hoping this title can be as successful as their last franchises. No solid news yet on what this is, a MMO?, First Person Shooter?, RPG?, a racing game?? who knows, let's hope it isn't a racing game though. But i won't be surprised if they make another World of Warcraft-ish game though since they make so much money out of it. If it's a fresh new game that i can enjoy for X number of years just like the rest then i'm sold. They announced last year that they were creating a new title, no other news after that.
More information for World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
Another expansion for this massive online game, but hey the changes so far seem worth the buy. an overhaul of the old continents, a change in stats, 2 new races, more instances to spend the whole night conquering, and a lot more. Lets face it, World of Warcraft is getting old, and this expansion with it's huge changes is what the game needs to keep it on top.World of Warcraft : cataclysm will be released on Dec 7, 2010
One of these announcements might show up, maybe not but one thing is for sure, expect a big announcement from blizzard because they like to skip events like E3 and other gaming events and use their own events to reveal big stuff for their games.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Conduit 2 Looking to be Better than the First
High Voltage Software is bringing to the Wii a sequel to one of the better first person shooters on the system, Conduit 2 looks to bring a better campaign mode with new stages and new weapons. Along with that, some new multiplayer options as well, 4 player split screen co-op and multiplayer which I think is a smashing good idea.
The first Conduit game for Wii was a decent first person shooter, my only gripe with it was that the campaign was a little dull with bland level designs. Judging from the trailer of Conduit 2, it looks to bring a more cinematic approach to keep players on their toes wanting to continue and see what happens next.
Conduit 2 introduces Team Invasion Mode, the new co-op mode where players will be able to battle side-by-side with up to four friends on the same screen. Additionally Team Invasion Mode can be played online. Conduit 2 also features a new and more expansive 12-player online competitive multiplayer mode with larger and more intricate indoor and outdoor battlefields. Conduit 2 supports Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, Wii Speak™ and offers increased multiplayer security.
Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare Pack
Red Dead Redemption Getting some updates for their Single Player with their new Pack content called Undead Nightmare. The Pack is said to bring hours of new Single Player storyline and new Multiplayer content. The new storyling focuses on a zombie plague that spreads throughout the frontier, and John Marsten has to fight his way into finding the cure.
They say in this new content you will be facing 4 different kinds of zombies, mythical creatures, zombie wildlife, and you can blow them all up with the new Blunderbuss weapon that will be included in the pack. The weapon apparently can be loaded with looted remains of dead zombies. Tomahawk and Explosive Rifle from previous dlc can be used if you have downloaded the Legends and Killers Pack and Liars and Cheats pack. Aside from the new storyline, there will be new quests, events and new Multiplayer free roam content. The new free Roam content called Undead Overrun(which i think is the best part of this pack aside from zombie wildlife) is a new survival mode where players must work together to survive waves of infected enemies. Oh yes, Zombie overrun, Left 4 Dead but Rockstar style!
Latest Trailer of Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare
Sounds good??? well sounds good enough for me to cough up money and grab my Red Dead Redemption copy out of the shelf when this dlc comes Oct 26(will update if date changes). I know what to do now on Halloween besides drinking and watching horror flicks. Zombies are just fun to kill...
Rock Band 3's Pro Guitar is Lefty Compatible

This is what was stated in the email sent by Harmonix to Kotaku:
"With regards to gameplay, lefty flip for the Pro guitar will worklike any other controller. Just select 'lefty flip' in your menu, turn your guitar around and get back to rocking. Pro gameplay on screen will adjust accordingly, just as traditional Rock Band gameplay has in the past."
Players with older Rock Band guitars will not be able to play the game's Pro Guitar mode. Players with only those guitars will be able to play the game's standard guitar mode in either orientation.
Source: Kotaku
Mad Catz,
Playstation 3,
Pro Guitar,
Rock Band 3,
Xbox 360
Friday, October 15, 2010
New Vanquish Trailer
Looks like Shinji Mikami is bringing back the colored P.N.03 style suits but for dudes.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Gran Turismo 5 Delayed.....
Sony confirmed that the game will not be available on November 2, 2010.
A seen on the official Playstation Blog, SCEA producer Taku Imasaki has this to say.
"We sincerely apologize to GT fans for the delay, however, creator Kazunori Yamauchi and the team at Polyphony Digital want to make certain they are creating the perfect racing experience, and we are confident that this ambitious game will exceed expectations when it launches.We'll have more information for you in the near future.2, but said that it will be coming this "holiday season."
With GT5 first unveiled at E3 2006, you can't help but wonder as to why this stall happened so close to it's release date. Well, that gives us all more time to save up for the Signature and/or Collector's edition.
UPDATE: SCEA tells Kotaku that the delay is indeed global adding that they can't elaborate on whether "holiday season" could mean early 2011. When asked for specifics about the cause of the delay they only said that "Polyphony is optimizing ever aspect to provide the best racing experience."
Source: http://kotaku.com/5662886/gran-turismo-5-delayed-now-coming-this-holiday-season
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Enslaved so far is great, Medal of Honor in store's now.....
On my previous post, i was deciding whether i should grab Enslaved: Odyssey to the West or Castlevania: Lord of Shadows. Well I've decided on Enslaved, and good thing i did because it's actually a really good game. This is not a review of the game yet since i haven't finished it, this is just a follow up of my previous post, i'm midway into the game and the pacing of the game is great. It's very engaging and is one of the best Action Adventure I've played since Uncharted 2.
EA's latest shooter, Medal of Honor just came out, the game looks OK. I've never been excited about this and from the feedbacks people are getting disappointed. I consider this game an answer to Call of Duty: Black Ops coming on November but will it come into par? we'll see in when it's out. Medal of Honor looking at it from afar doesn't seem like it will give me something new in multi-player. The only reason why i want to get Medal of Honor is to experience the epic Campaign which is said to be very short. Sadly these game's nowadays cater too much on the multi-player crowd that the Single Player suffers from it and that's just bad. I won't be getting this title, with all the other First Person Shooter game i currently have like MAG and Bad Company 2, i'm good in this department. I'm more excited about Bad Company 2's expansion called Vietnam. Bad Company 2 is a great game and i still play it once in awhile with friends. I'm surely gonna get it on day 1 of it's release.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Panasonic Is Making A New Handheld?
Post by miggy(soon to join posting at too much gaming!)
This little device is called "The Jungle" and it is meant to cater to the MMO on the go market. If there is a MMO on the go market I do not know. The Jungle Handheld is part of Panasonic's new Panasonic Cloud Entertainment (PCENT) business. For the moment, all we are graced with is a short trailer which looks to feature 2 games they have for their line up.
At this point I'll keep all my thoughts and comments to myself because it's still to early to judge with what little info we have.
This little device is called "The Jungle" and it is meant to cater to the MMO on the go market. If there is a MMO on the go market I do not know. The Jungle Handheld is part of Panasonic's new Panasonic Cloud Entertainment (PCENT) business. For the moment, all we are graced with is a short trailer which looks to feature 2 games they have for their line up.
At this point I'll keep all my thoughts and comments to myself because it's still to early to judge with what little info we have.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Dead Rising 2 finished! REVIEW coming up soon, Whats next????
Finished Dead Rising 2 and is now thinking which game to trip on next?? well before Fallout: New Vegas Comes out on oct 19, i was hoping to get another game to kill time with my PS3. Well i have 2 games that i'm considering.......
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, now this game feels fresh. I've also tried the demo for this and i was also impressed with the visuals, but game play didn't feel all that special in the demo. but throughout the Demo i was already impressed with the two main Characters, the story seems to be interesting enough and the Post post Apocalyptic Setting leaves me curious about the game.
Their both great games to experience, how i wish i can just scrap this post and say " yep, getting both of them!" but not this time. Should i experience a great story and a world thats new to me or should i go all out in Castlevania's revamp? We'll see what i decide when i am at the store holding both games...
Castlevania: Lord of Shadows, now from the looks of it and from the reviews i wont be getting the classic Castlevania feel, but more of a God of War meets the Belmont's. But it isn't a bad thing, i've given the Demo a go and the visuals are amazing! the game play felt great but do i feel like going through a God of War kind of game??
Their both great games to experience, how i wish i can just scrap this post and say " yep, getting both of them!" but not this time. Should i experience a great story and a world thats new to me or should i go all out in Castlevania's revamp? We'll see what i decide when i am at the store holding both games...
Saturday, October 09, 2010
Marvel vs Capcom 3 adds Arthur and Spencer
This was announced in new york's comic-con panel. Joining the cast of Marvel vs Capcom 3 is Arthur from Ghost and Goblins and Spencer from Bionic Commando. Arthur has been on the mvc games before but only as an assist character, Spencer is new and doesnt look all that exciting. Capcom has great games lined up all the way to 2012, they gave us Super Street Fighter 4 this year, Marvel vs Capcom 3 next year and Street Fighter x Tekken on 2012. Capcom just keeps giving, a new darksiders soon perhaps???
Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Arthur Trailer
Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Spencer Trailer
Tomorrow Marvel will be revealing 2 more for their side but It's already rumored to be Magneto and Modok. Picture's looks legit enough, Can't wait for it to come out next year. I think ill start practicing on Marvel vs Capcom 2 again.
UPDATE: Magneto and M.O.D.O.K gameplay trailers
Magneto gameplay trailer
M.O.D.O.K gameplay trailer
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Borderlands GOTY will have all dlc's and early access to Duke Nukem Forever?!
Also in the bundle, they will be adding an access key to join the Duke Nukem Forever Access Club. Joining this club you will get access to item's related to Duke Nukem but more importantly Early Access to the game demo of Duke Nukem Forever. if you guy's haven't heard, Duke Nukem was being Developed by Take Two Interactive but pulled the plug on May of '09. Recently, Gearbox studio's bought the IP of the game and is currently being developed in Gearbox Studio's which is now due next year on Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and PC.
Borderlands was one of my favorite games of 2009 because of how they merged rpg and fps elements together and their art Direction for the game, at the same time having 4 player co-op fun. With what's inside this bundle, its worth the buy for newcomers of the game and loyal Duke Nukem Fans.
North America PSN update; Modern Warfare 2 map pack on sale!
NA PSN just got updated on Oct 5 and they finally lowered those damn expensive Modern Warfare 2 map packs. From $14.99 to $7.49, no surprise here though since Call of Duty: Black Ops is coming on Nov 9, 2010. Man if $7.49 was the initial price for the map packs, i would have had them on day 1 but that's Activision for you i guess. Also, if your interested in Castlevania: Lord of Shadows they added a game demo. If you want to see the full update list here's the Source.
Monday, October 04, 2010
TESTING my blog and a little bit of news...
Hopefully you'll enjoy whatever posts ill be placing here. This is all about gaming so don't expect anything else. Right now i'm going through Dead Rising 2 on my PS3 and enjoying the hell out of it. Will have a review on the game when i've happily killed X zombies.
Fallout New Vegas finished
Apparently Fallout: New Vegas just got golden , which means they have finally finished the game and made a master disc for mass production. I Can't wait for this game. I played Fallout 3 several times. Played it Without mods, with mods, went through all the dlc's and became the worse person you wouldn't want to meet in the Wasteland. If you haven't played Fallout 3 your missing out. I highly recommend it.... I also recommend going through Fallout 3 first before New Vegas because fallout 3 will feel obsolete if you touch New Vegas. It's like someone who starts with Assassin's Creed 2 without even touching the first game. it's gonna be so hard to appreciate a great game when you start at their sequel. I had a hard time appreciating the first Uncharted because i started on Uncharted 2(yes, bad idea. But the game was staring at me!).Fallout: New Vegas is not a direct sequel to Fallout 3, but the similarities in game play will feel like a sequel.
Fallout: New Vegas, Developed by Obsidian Entertainment, Published by Bethesda Softworks, will be Release on Oct 19,2010 on PS3, Xbox360 and PC. Be sure to set aside some money for this Title, I already did. Will New Vegas be as good as previous Fallout Titles? we'll see soon enough.
Fallout: New Vegas, Developed by Obsidian Entertainment, Published by Bethesda Softworks, will be Release on Oct 19,2010 on PS3, Xbox360 and PC. Be sure to set aside some money for this Title, I already did. Will New Vegas be as good as previous Fallout Titles? we'll see soon enough.
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